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Monday, May 12, 2008

Amazon rings up shopping via text-message

Amazon has just made comparison shopping easier. Now if you're out and about shopping in the "real" world (but really, who has time for that any more?), and find yourself wondering if you can get that same product cheaper on Amazon, all you have to do is send Amazon a text message with the product name and it'll text you back its price. (And options to buy it right from your phone.)

Read how here: Amazon rings up shopping via text-message Tech news blog - CNET News.com

Friday, May 9, 2008

Dove's 'Real Beauty' Pics Could Be Big Phonies

I hope this isn't true because so many women I know think the Dove ads are brilliant (and great for our teenage girls to see), but there are rumors that the photos were extensively touched up. . . not so "real" after all. Now, if they were touching up things like hair sticking out, that'd be o.k., but any cosmetic changes would defeat the entire purpose of the campaign.

Read more: Dove's 'Real Beauty' Pics Could Be Big Phonies - Advertising Age - News

Where do all the crazy people live?

This article posits the theory that where you live may have as much to do with your personality type as it does with what the area offers. Atlanta attracts a lot of conscientious and agreeable types. (So what the hell am I doing living here?)

Read more: Where do all the neurotics live? - The Boston Globe
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